Tonight I was planning on going to church, but was so tired that I fell asleep! The next thing I heard was my mom and brother saying they were leaving. So I missed it! I felt really bad, but I also know that I was really tired and needed to rest (I have one more day at camp tomorrow, so I'll need an extra push:-).
I was feeling so tired and dragged out that I decided to take a shower to clear my head and hopefully wake me up to get something more done. As I was getting ready I was know sometimes we as Christians focus so much on ceremony that we forget that being a Christian is all about a personal relationship with God! How many times do we get busy with Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday night church. Nursing homes, Bible studies, mission trips, soul winning and all the things that get us out there and we then don't have a one on one with the Lord. There is nothing wrong with any of those things, it just bothers me when they seem to get more important than walking personally with the Lord.
Maybe I'm finicky, but I do so cherish that time I get with the Lord. My dad used to tell of a man, I think it was Martin Luther. If he had a busy day he would just get up an hour earlier so he could spend time with the Lord. I try to remember that and do that, but sometimes I get so tired. I'm glad we live in the age of grace and that God is so merciful. We can not live today without Him. So get close and stay close. That is when the other, missions, nursing homes, singing, etc....will be more meaningful and you can have a bigger impact for the Lord.
After all, it's all about Him who died for us little pieces of dust.