Saturday, June 19, 2010

Teen Camp

Well teen camp is all over with...what a time! It seemed like the days just flew by! The campers excitedly arrived at 8 am on Monday morning and teen camp was officially underway! After checking in and getting their cabin assignments they went onto a fun filled week of crafts, culinary class, canoeing, tie dye t-shirts, volley-ball, scavenger hunts, wall climbing and zip-lining fun fellowship with friends and making new friends and ending the day with a worship service. (They did quite a bit more than that throughout the week, but I don't have my schedule to mention what it all was!)


Tie Dyeing T-shirts

Work in the kitchen went great! We had quite a bit of help and through using our brand new serving area getting the campers their meals went very smoothly!

Overall the Lord has been good this week. Quite a few of our campers accepted the Lord! Such an encouragement!

We are now getting ready for another week of camp! Junior camp starts on Monday and will go through Friday.

Please continue to pray for us as we minister to the campers. That those that are lost would get saved and those that our saved would be encouraged to live for the Lord!

Till next time!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Summer is almost here and it's our busiest time of the year...except for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. So I thought I'd let you all know what's going to be going on for the next few weeks!

This Monday starts the His Thousand Hills (HTH) summer camp! (My mom and I have been ministering there since last spring, but started as full time staff this past December.) The theme this year is "Heaven the Final Frontier". Campers from PA, NY, Ohio and West Virginia will be arriving Monday morning to spend one week at HTH learning about our Creator and Saviour by.

The theme verses will be:

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
Psalms 8:3-4

Please pray that the hearts of our campers will be open to learning and growing in our Saviour. That those who come that don't know the Lord would accept Him and those who do know the Lord would be drawn closer to Him!
The following are the dates for the next three weeks:

Teen camp-ages 13-18- June 14-18
Junior camp-ages 7-12-June 21-25
Day camp- all ages- June 28-July 1

My mom and I will be ministering in the kitchen and office. And there will be many others who will be working together to make the next few weeks successful at camp!

Then on July 1st my brother Michael will be coming home for a month before heading off to Florida, for a month, and then Korea for a year.

We are very excited to be seeing him and spending some time with him! Please pray that all goes well with his scheduled date to arrive home. He does have a very hard test to complete before he can start his leave! But if all goes well he will be flying home on July 1st!!

Have a blessed summer!!