Thursday, July 3, 2014

Christmas In July!

Last Christmas I was in such a mood to bake! And not just bake my regular cookies, chocolate and fudge recipes, but to bake something new.

Yes, I'm ready to spend the day baking!!

My sister is the manager at a local gas station and as the manager likes to do something special for her staff. I knew she'd already planned her gifts, but I wanted to make something for the day she was going to give out the gifts...sort of have a mini Christmas party!

As I was in the mood to make some interesting cupcakes...that's what she was going to bring to this mini party.

It was so fun and easy I plan on doing something similar in the future for birthday parties and other activities! Here's what I came up with!

These were the ones she took to work to share with her employees.

Merry Christmas in July! Is it time to listen to Christmas music? Ooops....too late....I was listening to Christmas music in April- It's just too good to limit to one month!