Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Potter

The newest song I just finished is entitled: The Potter. I actually wrote the song all through the year of 2013. The Chorus was written on February 1st, the verses on September 30th and then I had some revisions in October 7th and 24th.

One thing I've learned from writing is that you can't rush it. It may take a day or a year or many years before it's done, but it will be finished in God's timing. The same way of thought can be added to how we view our life.

We are so used to the fast-service way of life- meaning when we want something we want it now! We've been spoiled by fast Internet, fast food, fast cars...everything has to be fast. But in reality, it takes a lifetime to do what you're here to do.

Constantly growing, learning and improving our life; and it's not easy. Especially if you desire to serve God with your life. But by trusting that he is working, even when we can't see it, can make the difference between living a life of victory or defeat.

I have to say, this song is one of my favorites right now! Here it is:

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